Monday, February 16, 2009

what is the borderline, singularity, between fantasy and SciFi? is there one?
some give magic as a possible answer, some heroes and dragons,
yet others say magic is science so advanced we cannot understand it yet.
most would agree the difference is vague or non existent.
so how can one do SF but not Fantasy???
is it just a question of how far int the future one ventures?
or is it how boldly one moves against stereotypes...

"Science fiction consists of improbable possibilities, fantasy of plausible impossibilities."
Miriam Allen deFord

if our project has no site, then is our body, human body the site?
in a sense it is.
our bodies, and the hostile environment.
body that has to be protected, clothed, moved, sheltered, supplied oxygen, kept warm & dry, provided with area to interact with others,

as a site how do we approach the body?
as context?
as a place of departure?
as an untouchable taboo thing?

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